University of Wisconsin Economics Journals: 1997

25 Least Cost-Effective Titles by Cost/Impact Factor

Measure: Ascending Order

Least Cost-Effective Economics Journals Publisher Publisher Type Institutional Subscription Cost: 1997 Cost /Impact Factor*
Journal of Population Economics Springer Commercial 344.00 43.064
Food Policy Elsevier Commercial 531.00 47.951
Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics Kluwer Commercial 440.00 49.410
Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics Hitotsubi Academy Non-Profit 43.00 49.440
International Journal of Industrial Organization Elsevier Commercial 531.00 54.114
Theory and Decision Kluwer Commercial 470.00 55.582
Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics M. E. Sharpe Commercial 140.00 56.361
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Elsevier Commercial 1157.00 56.419
Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies Blackwell Commercial 198.00 61.193
Population Research and Policy Review Kluwer Commercial 345.00 65.852
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics J. C. B. Mohr Commercial 521.69 66.692
Journal of Economic Psychology Elsevier Commercial 368.00 68.740
Policy Sciences Kluwer Commercial 357.00 69.490
Journal of Regulatory Economics Kluwer Commercial 446.00 69.754
Journal of Futures Markets Wiley and Sons Commercial 752.00 70.885
Geneva papers on Risk and Insurance Theory Kluwer Commercial 149.00 84.804
Journal of Mathematical Economics Elsevier Commercial 1071.00 85.681
Trimestre Economico Fondo de Cultura Economica Non-Profit 120.00 87.735
Developing Economies Institute of Developing Economies Non-Profit 98.00 125.325
Japan and the World Economy Elsevier Commercial 291.00 142.635
Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik Gustav Fisher Commercial 864.33 148.593
Journal of Policy Modeling Elsevier Commercial 335.00 156.567
Eastern European Economics M. E. Sharpe Commercial 630.00 158.038
Economic Modeling Elsevier Commercial 494.00 181.135
Russian and East European Finance and Trade M. E. Sharpe Commercial 630.00 361.754


Analyzing its 1997 subscription list, the University of Wisconsin found that the least cost-effective journals in Economics tended to be those published by commercial publishers. This table presents the 25 least cost-effective Economics journals in the Wisconsin subscription list, as measured by the Cost/Impact Factor*. Twenty-two of these journals were published by commercial publishers.



*Cost/Impact Factor has been used as one way of measuring the cost-effectiveness of journals. It relates the cost of a journal to its impact as measured by its citation record. It is derived by dividing the Cost per 1000 Characters by the ISI Impact Factor. Here is an example for the Journal of Economic Literature.

Cost per 1000 characters = 1.2 cents.
ISI Impact Factor = 3.784
1.2/3.784 = 0.317
Cost/Impact Factor = 0.317

An Impact Factor of 3.784 is relatively high--the highest for all the journals in the Economics sample. So, though the cost of the Journal of Economic Literature is not among the lowest for Physics, its high frequency of citation combined with its modest cost makes it the most cost-effective journal in the Wisconsin list. The lower the Cost/Impact Factor, the more cost-effective the journal is, according to this measure.